Emergency Preparedness Lesson - Oct 2021

Scott reviewed how we can be better prepared for an emergency, especially in having a quality 72-hour kit. After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days.

Emergency Preparedness Checklist

Family Emergency Preparedness Checklist Please complete the attached checklist to determine how prepared you are for an emergency. The checklist will help you review: Self Evaluation of Personal Preparedness Family Planning and Training Food, Water and Supplies House Prep and Maintain Document and Insurance Emergency Communication and News Evacuate and Gather Community Preparedness Preparedness at Work and School Please contact Scott S.

72-Hour Kits

PDF version The Essentials Water — one gallon (for drinking and sanitation) per person, per day, for at least three days. (This is for emergency evacuation purposes) Food — at least a three-day supply of nonperishable easy-to-prepare items.

What is a 72-Hour kit?

Emergency Preparedness: What is a 72-Hour kit and Why Is It Essential? For years, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have counseled members to be prepared to face adversities.

Emergency Preparedness Planning

Resources Stake and Ward Emergency Planning Guide Planning Checklist Personal and Family Emergency Preparedness Planning We have been counseled to be prepared for personal and large-scale disasters.

Stake Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

The Stake Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (hereinafter the “Plan”) is based on principles set forth in the Stake and Ward Emergency Planning Guide published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.