Temple Preparation in the Home

Proper temple preparation can build faith in the Plan of Salvation and the role of temple ordinances and related covenants in that Plan. It will also improve a member’s first-time experience and the quality of their subsequent temple worship and temple service. In the Sandy Utah Crescent Stake we encourage every individual and family to prepare to experience the full blessings of the temple.

​Parents and leaders are encouraged to review all of the information and select, as guided by the Spirit, that which would be of greatest impact and value to their family or others being prepared to attend and worship in the temple. We similarly encourage inspired use of this information by ministering brothers and ministering sisters as they fulfill their responsibility to “help individuals and families prepare for their next ordinance (and) keep the covenants they have made.”

​It is also intended that familiarity with this information will assist in our responsibility to share the gospel. The eternal nature of the family is a compelling doctrine the Lord is using to draw His children on both sides of the veil into His church and kingdom.
